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Center of Dermatology and Laser Surgery of Philadelphia


Written by Dr. Ringpfeil

The facial procedure steps
The facial procedure

Facials are professional services that help to improve facial skin health and appearance. While spa facials aim to provide a relaxing experience, our medical grade facials provide corrective treatment of skin ailments. Not only do our facials include a personalized skin analysis and skin care consultation by a practiced aesthetician, but they also offer the benefit of medical extractions that unclog pores and clear facial blemishes.

How it works

All of our facials begin with a skin assessment by the aesthetician. This allows the aesthetician to analyze the skin, understand the patient’s goals, and devise a plan for the facial. Individuals with notable acne activity may require a skin assessment by a medical provider at a separate appointment. Once assessed, the aesthetician cleanses and exfoliates the skin with medical grade products that are effective, yet gentle. After this, extractions are performed to unclog pores and promote resolution of active acne breakouts. Our aestheticians use surgical-grade tools and professional medical technique to extract excess debris from the skin while preventing damage to surrounding tissue. Lastly, the skin is rehydrated with a moisturizer. Additionally, our aestheticians take time during each facial to consult the patient about general skincare and devise an at-home skincare regimen specific to the patient’s needs.


  • Acne
  • Clogged pores
  • Facial impurities
Our 60 minutes facilas
Our 60 minute facials employ additional techniques. Exfoliating and deep-moisturizing masks are applied to further improve the overall health of the skin. Gentle massage is also used to increase circulation within the facial skin tissue.
All facials can be performed every 4-6 weeks for best results. When extractions are performed, mild redness may be experienced for up to 24 hours.

How our facials differ from a facial at a medspa

Our facials are more intense and aggressive. We focus on correction of skin blemishes Medspa facials normally focus on relaxation
Book a free consultation with one of our aestheticians
Facial Half Hour Facial Acne Facial Acne Facial Extraction(*)
Time 30 minutes 30 minutes 30 minutes
Cost/session $98 $98 varies by insurance(**)
Insurance covered most insurances
Skin analysis + + +
home care consult + + +
deep cleansing + + +
exfoliation + + +
extractions ++ +++ +++
Moist-urizing treatment + + +
Treatment frequency 4-6 weeks 4-6 weeks 4-6 weeks
downtime none 1 day (some redness) 1 day (some redness)
time to results Instant Instant Instant
(*) A prior medical consultation and an explicit recommendation by the medical provider (not by an aesthetician) is required. Please check the specific rate, your deductible, coinsurance, and co-pay on this procedure with your insurance using ICD9 code 706.1 and CPT 10040. (**) Copay and deductable might result in out-of-pocket cost


Diminished skin impurities, decreased acne activity, and healthier skin can be seen immediately after a facial. When performed on a regular basis, facials can even help to slow down the appearance of early signs of aging.

Preparation and Maintenance

In preparation for a facial, all retinoid-containing topicals must be discontinued on the night before the procedure. Any prescription topical must also be stopped on the morning of the facial. After a facial, makeup can be applied if necessary. A gentle cleanser should be used to remove makeup on the night after a facial. Daily prescription, cosmetic, or general skin care topicals can be resumed on the day after the facial.

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