Procedure Efficacy
Everyone’s expression of acne is unique and can range from mild to severe. Severe acne is most responsive to photodynamic therapy and medication, such as Accutane. Moderate acne is most effectively improved with medication, acne facials,
pulsed dye laser treatment, and smoothbeam laser treatment. A series of acne facials, chemical peels, and microdermabrasion are most effective at treating mild acne.
Treatment Plan
The quickest and most effective way to treat acne is with a combination of different modalities that attack specific causes of acne. The efficacy of medication and photodynamic therapy can be enhanced with procedures that open up microcomedos, the starter lesions of all acne. These procedures include acne facials with extractions, salicylic acid peels, and microdermabrasion.
Glycolic acid topicals and peels can also be used to reduce the appearance of lingering pigment caused by old acne breakouts.
Dr. Ringpfeil treats her teenage son with photodynamic therapy

After a six month stay in Germany, Dr Ringpfeil’s son returned covered with moderate acne.
Dr. Ringpfeil selected to treat him with
photodynamic therapy(PDT). After 12 weeks, three PDT treatments, three chemical peels, and one PDL (Pulsed Dye Laser) session the acne was under control and the acne started clearing.
Treatment by Core Causes
Acne can seem relentless because there are several factors that contribute to the formation of breakouts. The four most common causes of acne are clogged oil ducts, hormones, bacterial colonization, and inflammation. These factors can even be worsened by increased stress and an unhealthy diet. Combatting all of these causes can seem overwhelming and discouraging. Fortunately, our experienced dermatologists understand each cause and know what therapies are needed to attack each one.
Time to Results
In mild acne, improvement can be seen after 1-2 months of treatment. Moderate acne usually takes about 2-4 months of treatment to see improvement. Severe acne can start to be improved after 4-6 months of treatment.
Hi Dr.Ringpfeil,
I have been experiencing acne since 2004 when I turned 18. I noticed in the past six months that my acne get worse after sexual intercourse and my face stays clear if I don’t. I have been wondering if I need to see a dermatologist or urologist. Thanks in advance for your help.
The pattern of your acne flares is unusual although not entirely impossible. If you have other symptoms that suggest a hormonal imbalance you should discuss this with your primary physician or an endocrinologist.
Dr. Ringpfeil
I am an indian male at his 30 working in India. I had accutane (sotret) for 6 months (20 morning -20 MG evening for 4 months and 80 MG in last two months. I had benefits with my acne. However now even after 6 months completing the course. The edges of my lips still gets dried up. Both my arms feels very much dry and the biggest problem for me I am not able to focus on work and get easily tired and tense when work pressure. After cycling by knee joints also pains some time.
Please let me know how long does accutance stay in your body. Is there any way by which i can reduce or remove this side effects even after stopping. Can we reduce vitamin a level from body?
Request your help, will really appreciate any suggestions
Isotretinoin has left your body after less than one month yet the effects on the retinoid receptors linger. It has been my experience that dryness of the skin and lips, if not resolved within 2 weeks after stopping isotretinoin, might stay for several years. Lips are best treated with Aquaphor ointment or plain petrolatum.
To counteract the other effects, you might find it supplemental vitamin E helpful. The recommended dose is 800 IU daily.
Hello doctor
Im a 19yr old female, Ive previously taken accutane and ended that 2 years ago. Recently my acne has come back full force again. Im not interested in accutane but laser or other treatments. Is the laser you offer covered under health insurance?
Photodynamic therapy has a similar success rate as Accutane without any internal affects. Pulsed dye laser treatments reduces inflammation and Smoothbeam laser treatments reduce the number of oil glands. Red light and blue light treatments reduce inflammation and bacteria overgrowth. At this time, unfortunately, none of these are covered by insurance.
Hi Dr,
I am a 20 year old female and have hate mild/moderate acne since I was about 16. Although it is mostly just regular pimples, often times I will get extremely deep, under the skin pimples that last for about a week.
I now have scarring on my face from the past 4 years and am interested in getting rid of it for good so that I am able to feel comfortable again. What treatment would you recommend mostly for this? I am mostly interested in some type of laser or something that will make results permanent. Also, what treatment would you recommend for my acne so it does not continue.
Acne should be treated before scar treatment is started. Acne treatment might require some ongoing regimen that should allow for changes as your acne changes or resolves. Many people develop discoloration wirth longstanding acne and might refer to this disco,oration as scarring. In contrast to true scarring with depressed or raised bumps on the skin, discoloration from acne often fully resolves with treatment. Acne scars can currently improve about 50% with permanent treatments such as laser, fractionated radiofrequency, TCA CROSS etc.
Your questions are very specific and cannot be answered without examination of your skin. Please schedule an appointment.
Hi Dr. Ringpfeil,
I am a male of 18 years of age, and I have cyclical body acne. Lately, I have been experiencing a great deal of acne, some of it cystic, on my back. The cysts are becoming hyperpigmented. How can problematic body acne on the back and chest be treated? And consequently can anything be done to speed up the normalization of the skin color on the hyperpigmented spots? It is becoming a problem that concerns me greatly. Thank you!
There are many ways to treat acne. A dermatologist will be able to devise a treatment regimen tailored to the kind of acne you have, your skin type, the secondary effects of your acne (hyperpigmentation) and will also take under consideration your preferences. Please schedule an appointment with one of our dermatologists.